31 December, 2014

Top 5 Most Awesome Enemies in Dark Soul

To compliment my previous list of top five most annoying enemies in Dark Souls, I decided to compile a list of the five most awesome enemies as well. I have to say, it was much easier to come up with particularly annoying enemies than it was to think of enemies that really stood out in a positive way. I actually had to cut out some contenders from the previous list to keep it short, wheres for this list, only the top two entries were immediately obvious to me. One final thing to point out is that these enemies were chosen primarily because of their interesting, cool, or goofy looks. Now, without further ado, here are the top five most awesome enemies in Dark Souls.

5. Scarecrows

Oh, I'm a skeletal gardener, and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day

These are undoubtedly some of the quirkiest enemies in the game. They look kinda funny, they move funny, their attacks are haphazard, and they have the classic dive attack that always provides luls. I think they honestly feel a little bit out-of-place in this game, but I suppose the meadows of Royal Woods need to be gardened by someone. You can find them wielding either a pitchfork, like the guy in the picture below, or giant gardening scissors. They are weak on their own, but can pose some danger in groups. Furthermore, they are often watched over by a stone Guardian, and those big boys can really wreck you if you aren't careful.

4. Bloathead Sorcerers

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
These weird-looking, Cthulhu-esque, lanky creatures with freakishly long arms definitely made the list based purely on their looks. In terms of their attack patterns, they pretty much just spam Dark Orbs. As such, fighting them is hardly interesting. In contrast to some of the other entries on this list, there really isn't anything funny about their looks. They do look really cool, though, in a twisted and tormented way. I've been hoping to get their head as a drop (which, according to Dark Souls wiki, has a phenomenal 1% drop rate...), but haven't had any luck thus far. The head would make for some pretty wicked cosplay builds. Maybe one day.

3. Mimics

By golly, I wonder what fancy loot I'll find there
Wait, wat?
Dark Souls

I'm sure that for everyone who went into Dark Souls blind, the first time they encountered these sneaky buggers left quite an impression. I have to say that these are some of the most memorable enemies I've ever seen in any game; their looks are deeply distrubing, but the way they wobble around and try to kick you is actually pretty comical. It's also very fitting that the first time you encounter these is in the infamous Sen's Funhouse, with all of its pressure plates, swinging blades and bottomless pits. In some ways, these enemies very much characterize the entire experience of playing Dark Souls: they have the potential to kill you with one successful bite, which may raise some protests for the famous "artificial difficulty", but they can easily be detected by treading carefully and paying attention to details.

That's a seriously disturbing design

2. Skeleton Babies

Creepy or cute - you decide!

These were by far my favorite enemies in the game during my first playtrough, but that's because I actually completely missed the number one enemy until my second playthrough. These little fellas ride the line between really creepy (they are, after all, baby skeletons) and weirdly cute. Although I, like pretty much everyone else, hate Tomb of the Giants, Nito and these guys manage to make going through the place totally worth the trouble. I just can't help it - seeing these babies run around in the water always brings a smile to my face. The smile does admittedly fade if they manage to attack me, because they cause the ever-so-deadly toxic status effect. Perhaps it's best to just giggle at them from afar.

1. Mushroom Children and Parents

That daddy has a mean haymaker

These are definitely the most sympathetic "enemies" in the game. The children especially are just simply adorable, just wandering around and minding their own business. Their footsteps also make a funny tapping sound. As a matter of fact, I hesitate to even call them enemies, because although the daddies will attack you if you kill the babies (can't really blame them here), or tread too close to them, it's generally best to just go around them and avoid the fight. As I mentioned above, I managed to completely miss these during my first playthrough. I doubt I'm the only one, though, since these guys can only be found in three areas of the game - Darkroot Garden, The Great Hollow, and Ash Lake - all of which are completely optional. Ever since I stumbled on them in the deepest parts of the Darkroot Garden, however, they have claimed the title of being my favorite enemies in the game.

Honorary Mention

An honorary mention goes out to the Black and Silver KnightsThey not only look cool and imposing, but are also a lot of fun to fight against. They also definitely establish the fact that parrying is insanely effective against a lot of enemies.


The Black Knights are, together with Sir Artorias, the poster boys for the Prepare to Die version of the game, since one is featured together with the logo in Steam's store page. The Black Knights are found in various locations around Lordran, most notably in the Kiln of the First Flame. They wield four different types of weapons, including the ever-so-popular Black Knight Halberd. When killed, they drop various upgrade materials and may also drop their weapons.

The Silver Knights are only found in Anor Londo, where they guard the castle from invaders. They can wield either straight swords, spears, or greatbows. Speaking of Silver Knights wielding greatbows, you are now remembering the Anor Londo archers. That segment, starting from the bottom of the great staircase, past the Bat Wing Demons and up to the infamous ledge with the archers is by far my least favorite bonfire-to-bonfire gameplay trip in the entire game. At least you meet Brolaire, who is as fabulous as always, by the Castle bonefire...

Since I managed to get this post out in a surprisingly timely manner, it can pretty much conclude the year 2014 for me. Happy New Year!

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